Your body wants to be organized and healthy! Getting there is easier than it may seem. Rolf/SI at Evolve is gentle and effective.

Rolf™/Structural Integration is a profound method of bodywork that guides you to align in gravity and change your body from the very first session….After a few sessions it will completely alter the way you move through your life! 

  • Sessions include both manual therapy and movement education. 
  • Sessions are 75 minutes in length.
  • Each session provides you the opportunity to increase awareness of your bodies’ movements and habits, which is the first step to change.
  • Sessions available Thursdays

Imagine…walking with ease, increased energy, relief from chronic pain. Clients consistently report immediate and continual results and that the work “holds” or lasts.

“Each session is like doing yoga for 6 months, it has opened my practice in ways that I just couldn’t get to on my own. Poses that used to elude me have become a regular part of my practice. The combination of the two modalities has allowed me to do my work with less effort & more energy.” Kim Greeff

Working with Leah Rachocki: 

Extensive investment in Continuing Education allows Leah to work with people from birth to death, including pregnant women, children and seniors. The techniques she uses to meet the goals of Rolf/SI are sophisticated, gentle and efficient. Leah is passionate about helping people live in, and learn about pain-free bodies.

Still have questions?

Leah is glad to visit with any one new to Rolf/SI for a complimentary 20-minute consult or visit 

Schedule an appointment:

  • Sessions offered on a consistent schedule – Thursdays: 10:15am, 2pm, 3:30pm,  5:30pm and 7pm.
  • Rate: $165
  • Contact Leah to schedule an appointment: Phone or text 907.355.5820